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Read my article where I was featured in Forbes NY about my journey with neuroscience and transformation.
Check out this great interview with Nyna Caputi for her show Step and Stand Out Show.
Watch the interview with Staci Danford.
TedEx Speaker and Neuroscientist for my Book EMERGE
How can I EMERGE from a challenge?
Chat with Maike from SmileOClock about my journey with her and my book EMERGE.
Watch my interview with Dominique Narciso and her Positive Mindset Show where we have a fun chat about my story and how Neuroscience can help overcome challenges. Check Dominique and her coaching website here:
Dominika Miernik Career and Expat Coach and me had a great chat about how I overcame obstacles like moving to a new country or losing my hearing unexpectedly. Changes are hard but if we have the tools that our brain is giving us we can move on easily. Dominika website is